Showing posts with label java. Show all posts
Showing posts with label java. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Normalize Number Delimiter for different locales with Javascript

9:34 AM Posted by Unknown , , , No comments

Working with a Web-Application based on Java/Spring and FTL / JSP on the Template side you might know that you got some build in localization support(e.g. for number formatting). Various locales(java example locales). result in different number formatting:

  • de_DE,german - 1.000,30 €
  • cs_CZ,czech - 1 000,30 Kč
  • en_GB,english - £1,000.30
  • ...

Sometimes this is not that great

Currently some external Affiliate network requires us to handover prices as a standard float number (e.g: 1000.3) via their tracking code snippet.

How you should deal with that

--> Similar question on the Freemarker Templating Q&A
they are differentiating between "computer audience and human audience" in our example ${someLocalizedNumber?c}will do the trick(Freemarker c builtin reference ) This takes the plain float below all (Spring) Localization and exposes this again as an String.

If you can't do that - Javascript to the help!

Normalize the Delimiter with Javascript

So i wrote a little script that deals with that issue and gets you your floaty number back:

function normalizeDelimiter(str){
    var n = "", delim = false;
    for (var i = str.length-1; i >= 0; i--){
        //preserve decimal delimiter - remove all others
        if(!delim && !isInt(str[i])){
            n = "." + n;
            delim = true;
            n= (isInt(str[i]) ? str[i] : "") + n;
  return parseFloat(n);  

Normalize Delimiter takes a String that contains a (valid) Number and transform into a float.
Feed it with e.g.

'1 234,56'
Run it
and you get:
It handles the normal stuff as well as the ones that have even strange delimiters

To make use of the code you'll need the isInt() function
// check if given input is of type integer
function isInt(input){
    return !isNaN(input)&&parseInt(input)==input;


All assembled and ready to run @ jsFiddle