Who got some spare seconds these days ?!?
What If...
... just thinking - web resources could be shared among websites, buttons, theme styles even UI patterns...
along with that User / Systems could choose the "Interaction Theme" they are comfortable with. This will lead to more high level implementation of websites / apps without the need to manually provide nitty code & assets that are anyway provided by similar UI Libs like all those bootstrapies and jquery UI XYZs. I know there is alot out there but anytime something new is Metro or Roundborderish or flat or ... code needs a change.
Sure, separation of concerns, Presentational Layer , "just" CSS changes - I know all that but it doesn't work that way. Touching the CSS only is a mess even if you follow structural Patterns or take Libs.
The old days
Back to Java Swing :) - I mean the UI components where shared ....
Why do designers & devs have manually to decide for UI Patterns?
Or If they don't want and take frameworks why is the HTML, CSS (JS) still so atomic and the Libs so scattered, deciding for a Framework doesn't make it easier in long term. Its a big mixed soup. And evolution is still in bacteria state.
I want Dinosaurs and Trees!
And something that needs a lot of time and at least an Asteroid to be crashed.Its pretty fuzzy what I'm talking about but maybe someone can jump in and correct my thoughts. Especially the Dinosaur part :D
credits to http://jayisgames.com/archives/2010/02/babylon_sticks_asteroids.php
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